Originally posted by digme
Why are people drawn to having sex with only one person for the rest of their lives? Why do we want one exclusive person? Is this something we have been conditioned for, or is it in our genes?
When I think about it, I dont have just one friend. I have lots of friends, and I'm friends with all of them for different reasons. Why dont humans seek our sexual and romantic partners in the same way? Why do we reserve these functions for only one person? I mean, dont humans require the same sexual and romantic variety as they do for friendship?
Tell me your thoughts.
It is my personal belief that monogamy is more desirable than polygamy. Just because in nature most animals have more than one mate doesn't mean that we humans should do the same. Yes humans are animals... but what differentiate us from other animals is the fact that we're capable of rational thoughts and actions that go against instincts if need be.
Maybe it's more profitable for animals to have several mates to increase their chances of producing as many offsprings as possible; but it doesn't have to be that way for us humans though.