I have a good friend right now, who I'm having a hard time with. She's been in a relationship with another really good friend (a person I would give a kidney to in a heartbeat) for several years. This couple was happy. But they've also been on an emotional roller coaster for the past two years, she's been his major source of support and always has been there for him.
However, she's also had a tough time being honest with him, and how she's been feeling thru this roller coaster. She's kept up the happy face for him, but inside she was being ripped apart. So, she made, what she calls a huge mistake. I think it's worse than that, but she's a friend, so I'm supportive as I can be. She cheated on him and got caught.
He is absolutely devestated, this was the final straw in a few years of hell that he didn't need. The one person who he expected would always be there for him, went and did that to him? Yes, she's sorry. Yes, she'll never cheat again. I seriously doubt he'll ever trust her again, and in that one act, brought on by her not being honest with her feelings, she destroyed a great relationship, that is dying a slow death.
I hate her for the devestation that she has caused my friend. I don't hate her completely because I can understand the place that she was in when she cheated, it just kind of happened, it wasn't intentional and she is still a friend. I feel bad for the situation that they are in, and knowing that these two good people are just over.
Once a cheater always a cheater? Depends on the person. Once cheated on, can that trust ever come back like it was before the cheating? You'd have to be pretty naive to think it would. I doubt I could trust that person again.
Edited because I can no longer get out complete thoughts...
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
Last edited by maleficent; 06-16-2004 at 01:52 PM..