I can't talk about this mythical "most people". Though I suspect that any one individual's estimation of what "most people" would do is way, way off...
I cheated on lurkette in the first year we were together. I was home from college for the summer, it was our first summer apart. I was 18 years old. There was this girl at work who was fun and not bad looking and who liked me. And one night my lonliness and horniness overcame any memory of the promises and commitments I'd made.
Here's the thing: I suffered about that. I thought about it and agonized about it and felt stupid and horrible about it literally every few days for twelve years. And then a few weeks ago, in a course called The Landmark Forum (PM me for more info if you want), I finally saw what that was doing to me and to our relationship, and I came clean to lurkette about it. She forgave me, of course, and in that moment about a thousand pounds of weight came off my shoulders.
Yes, I cheated once. I did. And knowing what I now know about that, there's no way I'd ever do it again.