Other than telling me what the numbers were for some of the Big Game lotteries....
In November of 1987, you are smart enough, you worked you butt off getting into that school, you should not give up.
In November 0f 1982, you are in an Ivy League school, your parents are paying for this (with a lot of help from loans and stuff) why on earth would you want to give that up just because you can't stand the people, it's only 4 years, people do longer prison terms.
In May of 1986, I retract everything I said in 1982, you done good, you went to the school you wanted to go to, graduated with honors, had a little bit of fun here and there, and paid for it all on your own (ok, so debt for the next 10 years or so) It was worth it.
In August of 1986. You should have showed up and read the victim's statement at that assholes trial, maybe, just maybe he would have ended up in jail for your accident, and not a few years later when he really did kill someone.
In October of 1995. Listen to your instincts, that guy was bad news.
January of 1996, I don't care how much they are paying you, that job is not worth the aggravation, and the other bullshit that you put up with. Money is not everything.
September 11, 2001. Make many phone calls to many friends and suggest today was the perfect day to play hookey from work.
Except for the last one, I'm not sure I would really ever change a thing, or I would have even listened to myself, because all those events are what made me the person that I am now. Had I not done those things, I'd probably be a completely different person.
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.