If you had a time machine...
...and you could go back and talk to yourself, at what age would you go back, and what advice would you give yourself?
I would go back to when I was 14. This is what I would say.
"Losing your virginity really is a big thing, like your parents tell you, and you should save it for someone special. Trust me, who you are going to be with in the next couple of years really aren't special. Also, try to stay a little more active- don't want any weight gain! You will regret it forever! Stay away from the Super Saver intersection on the night of Feb 2nd, 2000. Go ahead and date this ex if you must, because you do learn some valualbe lessons from him (how to decide what you want in a real relationship). In February of your 20th year, don't go so short with your hair- another thing you will regret for a long time. Don't be afraid of the ACT's, but don't go far for college- there is someone you need to meet in September of 2002. Don't lose touch with friend Amy, because you will really miss her, and she is getting into a dangerous field of work. Go to your senior prom, despite what you look like in a dress. And during your graduation, avoid the last step on the stage, PLEASE!"
These are the kind of things I knew back then.
You don't know from fun.