Originally posted by lurkette
I don't know why, but this topic really pisses me off. As if we didn't have enough to worry about, being expected to weigh a certain amount and have breasts that are shaped just so and a perky butt and smooth flawless skin and blah blah blah, now we have to worry about whether our pussies are shaped right? Like we have ANY CONTROL OVER THIS!!! I understand that people just find certain things attractive, but honestly...get a life. Beggars can't be choosers. And frankly, all genitalia looks inherently funny.
And if I hear one more person use the term "beef curtains" I'm going to fucking go postal!!!
And men don't have size issues that they stress about the majority of their lives? Size matters? Girth matters? Come on lurkette, we have just as much to consider and just as much to have apprehensiveness about.
Me, I am very happy with what I have.
Oh yeah, and I did have 1 instance where I was completely turned off by a woman's beef....I mean mud flaps....er....um.....I really meant to say vagina. It was our first time and she literally had inches of labia, and a very loose vagina. I didn't know which end was up and I got turned off by it.