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Old 06-15-2004, 12:51 PM   #37 (permalink)
World's King
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Location: Denver City Denver
Originally posted by elwoodblues43
For those ridiculing me, thank you very much, I came here for help, not ridicule. I don't normally cry. Ever. Today I cried because this was extremely emotionally upsetting, and I was upset with myself for letting it happen.

And no, I don't like chick flicks, or Hugh Grant movies. Grow up.

I told her about it tonight. Turns out some guy she works with came onto her today, and gave her a little peck as well. Odd coincidence.

So everything is alright now. Maybe I over-reacted, but so what, don't fuckin go off on me because I opened up and shared what happened with the TFP crowd. I thought this was a community that promoted positive input, not name-calling.
Yes. You over reacted. Tell your girlfriend what happened and be honest. Tell her exactly how you told us. There is no way she can be mad at you. You stopped anything from happening. So yeah... settle the fuck down and grow up. It's life.
heavy is the head that wears the crown
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