Originally posted by analog
[B]First of all, how in the hell does drug use have anything to do with God? I'd love to see that argued.
Originally posted by analog
Perhaps opening up your mind and your eyes a little more would help... just a thought.
It seems pretty clear to me why people who worship a God of Love would take a drug that gives you an overwhelming sense of love, but there you go. There are monks who advocate the use of ecstasy by their acolytes in the belief that it opens up a path to God.
As for Gothic Christians, that's nothing unusual or new. Look at the Neo-Gothic era. Although the architechture they were copying was only mockingly nicknamed "Gothic" in the Renaissance, the people who adopted the style in the design of their cathedral architecture and so on would have been quite aware of the comparison and were most definitely Christian. No bones through the nose, perhaps, but that's another matter...