Thread: Morrowind
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Old 06-14-2004, 09:48 PM   #170 (permalink)
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Location: Pittsburgh
Originally posted by kutulu
I've never been into RPing too much. I guess I just powergame (although I never heard the expression until I played MW). The people on the boards (aside from being immature assholes) are so snobbish about how powergaming is so bad. It's really annoying.

Anyways, I finally became a vampire. I spent an hour cliking an Anduae clan corpse and wasn't able to catch the disease so I ended up using the console (I use the console as little as possible). I also have a couple people addicted to me taking blood from them also. Something odd happened though. Instead of getting a 20 pt boost to speed, I got a 60 pt boost to speed. Now when I wear the BOBS, I have 360 speed and it's just too fast to control over short distances. Sadly, I can't wear them anymore. At least at 160 speed I can still get around fast enough in towns and only use the BOBS when running somewhere.

Also, with Greater Bonewalkers, they can damage stats permanentely and when you go to restore attributes you need to have the attribute showing in red. Before becoming a vamp, I'd just take off the enchanted item but now when all enchantments are off, I still have highlighted stats. Can you restore them back to normal or do you need the console?
I've never been into RPing much either, I just can't seem to take the game seriously enough, or immerse myself enough. I'm trying (a little, at least) with my new character though -- only good deeds, try not to go get uber artifacts just because I know where they are from previous characters, don't train very much, and try not to use mark/recall or other teleportation (aside from Mage guilds). So far so good. I will never, however, go so far as to take my armor off when I enter my house and put on casual clothes, get undressed when going to sleep, roleplay friendships and romances, or any other such acts of supreme geekery.

I'd like to play a vampire character eventually as well, but as you described, I hear it can be quite hard to get legitimately infected with vampirism, which is mainly what stops me. Are you using the Vampire Embrace mod?

I'm not sure how to solve your problem with restoring stats, but a thread in this forum: might be able to help. If not, at least there's a ton of info on MW vampires for you to browse through.

Also, there is supposedly a mod being released in the next few days that will add a shitload of nice features. Here's an excerpt from the readme:

3986 quests (no fed-ex type quests!)

Babies,children,teenagers,old people (new meshes and textures!)

Elaborate marriages,divorces,pregnancy!

Skinny people,fat people,normal size people (all new meshes and textures,with all new clothing,and armor meshes to fit the different sized people,that automatically changes to the appropriate size!)

All Guilds and Houses expanded,with hundreds of new quests,new houses for GuildMasters,and 6 level Strongholds (instead of the pitiful 3 level Strongholds!)

Imperial graveyards,tombs and crypts,with many integrated quests!

The ability to write in your new Journal (made just for your notes!),and write notes on all plain paper available in the game!

All npcs have the potential to not only be an adventuring partner,but also to become your husband or wife (quest npcs and main quest essential npcs only become available to journey with you have finished all quests involving them),this also means that the normal npcs that you have to escort in certain official Morrowind/expansions are no longer a pain to escort!

All new weapons,armor,clothing,and many other surprises!

All new housing system,including the ability to by houses owned by npcs in the official game & expansions!

The ability to sit in chairs and lie in beds (using all new meshes!),and all npcs with the scripted ability to sit and lie down when appropriate!

All npcs have completely unique and individual dialogue (except in regards to certain quests)

No more npcs wearing the same clothes everyday!
I'll post the link to it here when it's released if you'd like. I'm really anxious to see how sitting down and aging will be handled. Hopefully it's as good as the hype.
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