Most Emotional Videogame Moments
Every now and then a developer/publisher will get together to create a truly emotional experience in a videogame. Now's the time to remember them! Any time you've resulted in a strong emotion while playing a videogame can go here. I'll start:
<LI>Chrono Trigger - When Crono dies (before you knew he was coming back); the first time Lucca turns on the screen that shows how Lavos nuked the world.
<LI>Final Fantasy 7 - The big one. Aeris dying! Probably the most emotional scene in any videogame.
<LI>Metal Gear Solid - When Meryl is being shot by the unknown sniper and Snake not being able to do anything about it. The entire ending sequence of MGS as well, especially when Naomi talks about Foxdie.
<LI>Final Fantasy 8 - When the two Gardens face off against each other with the main characters being strewn all over the place throughout the battle.
<LI>Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem - At the end when all of the characters from the game come back together, transforming within Alexandra to beat the end boss as one.
<LI>Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - The entire last quarter of the game when everyone is out to kill Tommy. It seems that every person that tries to fuck him over just makes him a bigger badass. The end of the game was really exhilarating.
Feel free to name as many as you want, but tell why you think it was emotionally compelling!
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert