I am voting for Paul Martin.
Note, I said I am voting for Paul Martin, not the liberals.
Cause I think he has done a damn fine job of running the economy for the last 10 years. He has balanced the budget year after year after 8 years of record breaking deficits with the conservatives (exactly where did that money go??)
He has paid down the debt and will continue to do so.
Unemployment is good, inflation is in check.
You don't screw with a sound economy as far as I am concerned AND I don't like Harper's conservative stance on social issues one bit.
The man (Harper) is doing everything he can to hide his social agenda. Plus, I would like to know how he (Harper) plans to increase spending, decrease taxes, and balance the budget?
Martin's biggest gaff to date - calling an election in re-run season. Seriously, This hour has 22 minutes would have skewered Stephen Harper, but they can't because they aren't filming right now. Just like last time when they went at Stockwell Day mercilessly. First it was the internet pole to get him to change his name to Doris, then there was the lampooning his jet ski appearance, then the niagara river thing.
22 minutes made Day and the CA look like a bunch of fools.