French debate just over...
Whoa, this is about the worst debate I ever saw.
I seriously hope the english one will be better tommorow, because this one seemed like childs arguing, no points were really made, and no solid facts were brought out.
Duceppe (Bloc) was funny.. he was has a evry strong personality, talked more than anyone else, and kept attacking the Liberals on their corruption. Before thatd ebate, I thought the Bloc was at least somewhat serious.. but Duceppe clearly said that he doesn't care about the interests of Canadians outside of Quebec. I mean ok.. being proud of your province and wanting it to prospere is good and all.. but that's a damned FEDERAL election.. that was not.. serious, at all. I'm gonna laugh my ass off if he says the same things during the english debate.
Mr. Martin never clearly answered the questions about corruption. His main point (and I must admit it is kind of true) is inviting people to do an opposition vote; voting for the Bloc will result in a Conservative government, without any representation from Quebec. Since he knows Quebec is mostly anti-conservative, he invited people to vote AGAINST conservatives, which means, vote Liberal.
If Harper was honest during the debate (yeah right) then I wonder WHY is he a conservative. He basically denied wanting to do anything really conservative, he said he's OK with gay marriages and abortion.. pretty strange.
The NDP was, well.. the NDP. Layton was smiling and positive for the whole time. Probably too positive.. I mean, one starts to lose credibilty when one is too optimistic, but maybe that's just me.
One thing was funny as shit.. There were one on one debates on a specific question (which of course, were never answered clearly), 6 debates on each question, to do every possible match-up on every question, And since Layton and DUceppe had nothing to argue about, they used their one-on-one debates together to continue to make points agsint Liberals and Conservatives, without them having the right to answer.. sooo funny.
Well, I pray for a better debate tommorow in english.. but I doubt that will happen, so if you are still unsure of your vote, don't count on that to clear issues.. but again, maybe that's just me.
"Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo."
- H. G. Wells