socialism isn't bad in moderation. In fact, we in the Netherlands have a bit of socialism in our political system. That's the part that takes care of the sick with universal healthcare and insurance; it's the part that gives equal access to education to everyone; it's the part that gives unemployed people some money so they might survive until they get a new job; it's the part where it's not all about me, me, me, but also about you, and you, and everyone else.
In a pure capitalist society (if such a thing is even possible), the rich would get richer, and the poor would always remain poor. In theory, everyone would have equal access to the market of CEOs, and everyone would have a chance of becoming rich. In reality, it is obvious that the rich would have a much better chance of getting well-paid jobs in postitions of power, while the poor would not (for lack of education and lack of friends in high places, amongst others).