I think that, out of all the possible ways of getting off, phone sex is definately one of the least amoral. IMHO the moral considerations here are whether it is breaking up the customer's relationships, that is, is he cheating by talking to you? I say, as close to "no" as anything.
Think about it: there's porn, which is watching another person/people's bodies. That's very specifically tied to that person and the viewer's involvement is with him/her/them specifically which some women feel jealous about.
There's stripping, which is just like porn but even more so because you are actually there with the man. He is even closer to you, and you are sharing even more of your body with him.
Then there's prostitution and, well, that's cheating :P
But phone sex, you aren't there, he can't see you, he has no idea what you look like and who you are. You have a level of anonymity that, I think, gives the both of you a lot of protection. His fantasies are entirely his own, you're just helping him out with making them seem real. So, I say, if you like it, go for it!
There's no justice. There's just us.