Bill O'Rights said
One that's right in the middle of a pair of open legs.
Hmm, not sure if you read everything i said, as you did the roll eyes smiley
, but i thought that was implied/literally interpreted by me saying:
i said
Although the rest of it is rather humourous. I doubt any guy is really that critical
...so myself and i imagine most other guys, wouldn't really care too much about it.
I find the article mostly humourous because of the guy over analysing and being quite critical in some aspects, where most guys (as you showed yourself) don't really care. The tongue-in-check smilie hopefully showed that i was being facetious with the last comment; which is my temperment for the most part anyway
StormBerlin said
I didn't think anyone thought of my vagina with such knit pickiness. Scary
Heh, don't worry, it's only that guy (or women?). Currently, myself and Bill O'Rights have shown not to care too mcuh about it