Oh this is giving me a headache... Let me see if I get this...
She was going out with him.
She broke up with him .
She kept having sex with him.
She started seeing you.
She kept having sex with him.
She started having sex with you.
Somewhere in here she LIED to you.
She kept having sex with him????
She moved in with you after a very short time.
She won't tell him to take a hike.
She knows that it gets you upset.
She gets annoyed that you get upset and it causes friction between the two of you.
If she broke up with him, why did she have to tell him there was anything between the two of you, they broke up yet they continued to have sex.
What are your ages, if I may ask....
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.