I'm the first response, and I hate to be the "tough love" guy, but there is a saying that goes like this: "You teach people how to treat you." If you feel like you're the one who is always giving the extra time, always going the extra mile, etc. but are never thanked for it, that's on you, not them. You need to demand respect and thanks (nicely of course, but you know what I mean). Even the nicest people in the world will tend to use someone like you, because you never set limits on your time or demand time to yourself. Chances are, if they like you and the work you are doing, they aren't going to fire you for not being there every second they ask.
Of course I don't know these people (or you), so I could be wrong, but this is a call for advice, so there's my 2 cents.
"You can't shoot a country until it becomes a democracy." - Willravel