I didn't finish remodeling my living room on time.
My wife and I have been working on this every free week end we have. Which aren't many. It's been about 3 months since we started. We started by ripping the old drywall out which was over the original drywall. Including the celing. PUt in new wiring, switches and outlets.
We painted and did the sponging thing or what ever you call it. Next we tore out the old carpeting and padding. Went out and bought some laminated hardwood flooring. This is what took longer than I expected. Ment to start Saturday and finish the same day. But I didn't start till 9am Sunday. Hoped to knock it out but we didn't finish till 7pm! Doing special cuts for the gas heater and doors was a bitch and the last 5 inches against the wall.
Anyhow I present evidence:
Oh forgot to mention the new front door. My father in-law did that with one of my brother in-laws. And a new celing fan.
Ignore the spots. Don't know if those are from the lights.
Anyhow I'm fucking beat. I'm gonna be sore in the morning.
Thoughts and opinions are appriciated
Next the dinning room!!