Originally posted by tangledweb
My father just retired from 32 years of teaching at the high school level. He was nearly fired several times for trying 'alternative' discipline methods on his unruly kids. Each and every year, after the first and most deviant little bastard had been made example of, discipline problems jsut disappeared. His willingness to actively show that there were consequences to their actions worked AND made him quite popular with the kids.
There is no exact response that is appropriate for every specific situation. Lack of perceived discipline disrupts the education of others by letting the wild kids rule without fear of reprisal. i.e. It isn't really punishment to send a kid home for misbehaving when he just wanted to be sent home in the first place.
Exactly. There are much better ways to discipline then swatting, soap, etc.
Call a dirty name, clean the filth in the room (wash all the shelves, etc.)
Punch, hit, kick -- loss of recesses, apology notes, lunch alone.
Disrespect the teachers or other classmates -- same as above, no recess until a list of 10 ways to show respect is produced.
Other consequences:
In school suspension -- not as fun as being at home with the
television and computer.
Miss a special class.
Desk set away from all the other students.
What I avoid at all cost is involving the administrator. Usually a princessapal is too soft on the kid. I think firm but fair is always the best solution.
Also, in this case, I'm surprised no one has mentioned the obvious: this child didn't learn the word(s) he used from nowhere. It was obviously modeled at home. Maybe all he needs to learn is better ways to express his anger (after all, we all get angry, it is what we do with it that matters.) So, possibly a better consequence is to list 5-10 ways to say what he needed to say without swearing or calling names.