Originally posted by analog
Normal for people who are homosexual, yes, and there are very many of them, so it's not like it's a tiny little offshoot minority thing. Ideal? I'm not really sure how you would define heterosexual love as ideal, any more than homosexual love is? And don't give me talk about babies, babies are irrelevant- they aren't now, and likely never will be, barring nuclear disaster, the sole driving purpose for marriage.
I meant normal / ideal as far as a genetic trait goes. It isn't ideal to have a species or subset of a species which is unable to breed with one another. I'm not suggesting that homosexuality should be considered socially unacceptable, it just isn't normal or ideal for the species. The fact that it does occur in nature, though, extinguishes any idea that homosexuality is simply a psychological defect.
But, yes, this is a bit off-topic.