Originally posted by Dragonlich
I've always felt the US' general distrust of it's government was rather excessive. Perhaps it's just a culture thing, something that grew from the US (anti-UK) civil war? I doubt you'd see such a level of mistrust in my country, for example.
Generally, I'd say that mistrust of the government comes from previous bad examples.
Wow, if you think the US mistrusts its government, you should check out Australia. Its almost as though we lividly hate all our politicians, and we are deeply suspicious and scepticle of everything they say and do. This is both a good thing and a bad thing. I think it is ingrained through our convict heritage aswell as the huge proportion of anti-authoritarian Irish who imigrated to this nation in the early days. This type of cultural behaviour even has a name over here 'the tall poppy syndrome' (ie. If you stick your neck out you will get cut down to size). Generally speaking, we hate arrogance in any form, loathe being ordered around and always support the underdog. Somehow though, this hasnt kept us being involved in large conflicts all over the world for the last 200 years. In fact, for our size we have lost more men on forign soil than any other nation. Our small, but highly regarded film industry could never produce a film like Air Force One, because the thought of our PM being a super action hero would be laughed at long and hard. Personally ive always thought that the patriotism that the US seems to hold for its politicians is a romantic and admirable thing. Maybe sometimes though there is a bit too much glitz and a bit too much pomp and glamour. I guess youve gotta be sure youve got the right person(s) representing you.