"There ain't no good and there ain't no bad. There's just stuff people do." -- Grapes of Wrath
So, Here is my take. What is good and what is bad...
We humans have hard wired genetic imperitives that will have a greater (but not 100%) tendency for a society to accept or reject certain acts. For example, in all societies on this planet, there are taboos against having sex with your brother or sister. This is not to say that it isn't possible that someone might get a kick out of such a thing, it only sez that it had enough dna thrown at it that it will show up as a trait in society.
To put it another way, If you took 10 human beings and erased their minds and put them on a desert island, they in the course of several centuries would develop a society and this society would most definatly have some "rule" or "feeling" about sex with mom not being a generally good idea. (Of course you alway will have one or 2 who will get a kick out of it, but it is the exception)
Thats as close as you get to a NON-RELATIVISTIC Morality.
But, its pretty much a fair playing ground as to what we will deam appropriate after that...
Think of this analogy.... Our genes are complex enough that every human being looks different from one another(representing the vast number of interpretations of good and bad), but we still all have arms and legs and two eyes, and a nose... (and every once in a while one of us is born without an arm or a leg)
oh, so to answer the question, Pain is genetically wired in and society will always adopt it in the BAD category, even if we would start all over with a brainless band of islanders..