Originally posted by diddagirl
hmmm.... i was recently on anti biotics and the pill. My pharmacist was aware I was on the pill...... but she didnt tell me that the anti biotic may interfere with the pill! Yikes! As far as you guys know- is it just certain anti biotics?
I tend to alternate between UTI's and yeast infections on a regular basis. Since I am on the pill I always tried to treat the UTI on my own so I wouldn't have to worry about antibiotics interfering with the effectiveness of my pill. Anyway, the nurses at my college's infirmiry told me that taking antibiotics wouldn't increase my chances of getting pregnant. Now, I know this isn't accurate, but I wonder how many other students they have told this to.
Anyway, back on topic. All the advice so far pretty much hits the nail on the head. The only things I can really add are try to avoid excess carbs along with sugar and make sure you do not use soap with added fragrence or dye on your vagina. Also, taking acidophilous tablets usually work for me.
Good luck. Anyone who just suffers through a UTI doesn't deserve a yeast infection.... that's just cruel!!