I have not been to Fark in ages, the posts that just add noise got old, but there are a lot of similar type sites, and most of them have the same news stories. I know that it's not one person hopping from site to site to site posting the same story.
News is news, if one person considers a news item postworthy, you can be pretty sure that someone else does, somewhere else on the net as well.
Originally posted by warrrreagl
However, I really hate it when I see TFPers clearly copy-and-pasting someone else's thoughts directly from Fark and presenting it as something brand new and clever. I guess they think no one else reads Fark and no one will notice the plagiarism.
People really do that? Damn... But honestly, unless it's your stuff that they are plaguerizing, are they really hurting anyone, other than themselves. If you catch them doing it, PM them, and let them know you are on to them.