Thread: Morrowind
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Old 06-11-2004, 09:37 PM   #168 (permalink)
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Location: Pittsburgh
Originally posted by kutulu
For the most part, my character has been a pretty good guy so far. He's never murdered anyone (except for a few Telvani Counselors since killing them is no crime), he has merely "defended himself" from people who can't take a few insults. I want to win the hearts of the people of Morrowind before I rip their guts out.

I'll definitely get the vampire embrace mod. I've been wanting to be a vamp, but since you can't do most quest things as a vamp I've avoided it so far.
You can do all the quests in the game as a vampire. You just need to raise their disposition toward you enough.

I already had to kill someone (speechcraft not high enough to taunt into attacking) for the limeware they stole. I didn't want to do it, but I didn't have a choice, really. I hope I can actually roleplay somewhat and not powergame like I usually do. I suppose getting all the uber items and a shitload of money early in the game because you know where to look is helpful in getting your character off the ground, but it sure does kill the ability to immerse yourself in the world. This is my first attempt at truly RPing -- my first character had no motivation other than to beat the main quest and become powerful. The balrog I played with the sixth house mod (along with other evil type mods) teetered on roleplaying at times, but it felt too much like what I had done with my first character. I'm hoping my new character can freshen the game up a bit for me.

Goddamn I feel like a dork.
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