my dogs understand loads of words, but then our dogs live indoors with us as part of the family.
they know their names (duh), car, walk, the 2 neighbors' dogs names, NO! hehe, "go peepee", "get a drink of water", the names of dozens of toys such as football, egg, frisbee, bucky ball, frog, piggy, octopus, puppy, etc... they skake paws & then shake the "other", "go in a circle" (for treats), the basic commands: sit, stay, lay, down, off + plus "give mommy (or daddy) a kiss" (or hug); say "where's your cookies?" & my one dog points to the cabinet that we keep them in; "let's go get the newspaper" is a morning ritual; say "it's time for bed" & they head to our bedroom; they get excited when i put on my walking shoes cuz they know we're going for a walk. or my husband's certain pair of sweat pants tells them they're going to the ball field to play frisbee & run or to the creek to run; they know the yellow backpack contains their leashes & other fun goodies for outtings; my one dog gets very upset when he sees me getting ready to go somewhere until (if) i say they get to go; they both know my purse means i am leaving the house; they know all the routine of preparing to leave the house (closing windows, adjusting lights, etc) & they know if i turn on the stereo & close the baby gate to the living room that they indeed will not be going along, resulting in a serious disappointed look from one dog & serious pouting from the other one. lol they both can crawl through tunnels on command, jump over hurdles, etc.
eh... they know lots & lots of words & have lots of visual recognizition.
honest, i am not out of my tree (about this anyway), they really do understand.
maybe i just spend more time with my dogs than the average dog owner?