Originally posted by Redgirl
I think the teacher was right and I wouldn't have a problem with it if I were the parent. Generally the kind of parent who would flip out about a teacher disciplining their kid like this is the kind who has a child that NEEDS discipline. If the parents won't do it, who does it fall to?
I am a parent who would flip out and I'm very strict with my children.
Once my daughter did swear at school by calling another girl a bitch. The girl had been harassing her for weeks before she finally got to that point. Even though I think my daughter had a right to stand up for herself, she did not get away with calling the girl a bitch. I talked with her, and she bawled out of feeling bad. However, she still faced a consequence. I believe she had no social life that weekend.
Not only that, I'm a teacher and I run a "very tight ship." There are very effective ways to discipline beyond the "old fashion" ways. Imho, it is sad that we resort to violance (no matter how small) to discipline and then wonder why our world is so violant.