When driving how do you use your cell phone?
I don't want to do the whole driving and talking on the cell phone rant, I'm sure that has been done to death. For the record I don't use the cell phone while driving and if it rings I ignore until I can park then check the message. Anyhoo, during my forty-five minute commute to and from work I see MANY people driving and chatting away on their phone and it occured to me, "What the heck are they talking about?" I mean are they business calls, important communications (ie: calling a school to say a child is sick or a doctors office or some such) or are people just chatting away to pass the time while driving. I can't imagine many phone calls that would be important enough for me to make while driving so I have no idea how/why people use phones while driving. So the question is, if you use a phone while driving what do you use it for, why, and how often?"