I would have stood by and let her, watching with glee if my son had said something sexually explicit to a little girl- even if they are the same age.
But personally, I would not put my children in the care of other people for hours a day, each day of the week, and say "Now, don't try and punish them at all. Just sit them in a corner and tell them they were naughty."
Would I want my child beaten? Perhaps not. But I think that his punishment fit the crime to a T, and it was deserved. I would have done it in front of everyone that had heard him say it, too.
Unfortunatley, she will probably get suspended herself, if not fired. At least she is setting an example. I think that many other teachers would have ignored it- causing problems for the boy in the future, as well as the girl.
Way to go, teach!
You don't know from fun.