I dont think you people are gettin what Gondath here is saying.
Let the Nicklogic explain.
A parent says "You have to be back by 10"
The child says "Why"
Parent says "because I said so"
Child thinkings what the heck
Now here is where to child and parent could and should talk even if the parent is not going to change thier minds. Its not that fact that the child can change what the parent said but that he can understand why and if its discussed then if the rule is unfair the parent is more likely to see that and change it to more suite whats going on.
An open line of communication between a parent and child does not mean in any way that the child is making the rules or such things. I means that the child is taught why a parent would say something and take away that underlying feeling of oppression that a child would get if the parent told him to be back at 10 or else. Its not likely that a 17 year old would not understand the reason of a parent, but more that he would have insight to why and also that would make him at very least not feel that his parents are on some power trip.
Thats what it boils down to.
In conclusion, you as a group should be more open minded instead of telling someone that came and posted a general consern to bring it to the table and discuss it that he should have an open mind. Personal attacks are just showing that you have nothing to add and then coming back and saying you dont see where you insulted the person. and then still sticking to the story are you have been quoted and shown where and how it was offending is showing that you just wish to cause conflict and that isnt neither open minded nor intellegent.
Much love from the Blade of Stone