Originally posted by gondath
Raeanna74 make a comment that upset me about me needing to be more open minded before going into psychology. This insults me and my choice of profession. Of course, I got upset. The part she relied to says typically most adults don't go full time on both work and school. This is because college work can be very demanding, unless you can get easy classes. Since they adults already in the full time working world, I don't see them going back for blow off classes and an easy degree. Other than the one comment, nothing else was said, but it was big enough to catch my attention.
I had intended no insult to you or your choice of profession. I wanted to encourage you to go into your profession with an open mind, not assuming one party was the victim, and one was the victimizer. Many family conflicts are not one sided. There are points made on both sides sometimes and a counselor is there to help them resolve their differences. The child should not expect to have NO rules and the parents should try to set reasonable expectations and rules. Going to help these family relations and communication you cannot start out by blaming either person or they will shut down and ignore every thing you say after that. Accusations will shut people down, questions open them up. Go into every new family situation asking questions and not placing blame to begin with. Every situation is just slightly different.
I had not intended to make a connection between your profession and adults working and going to school full time. I don't know how that connection could have been made.
With regards to students making their way and attending school - I can name you MANY of my alumni who worked their way through college and supported themselves. They took seom semesters off to work and save up but they did it. Many didn't finish in less than 5 years but they had no student loans when they finished and they supported themselves throughout. It is possible. It isn't unreasonable to expect someone to do it. It is all based on your self-motivation.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.