Ok, I actually did miss quite a few of the posts on this board. I must have scrolled too far or something. Forgive my last two posts if they made it seem like everyone was flaming or something to that effect. I was just referring to a few specific comments along the lines of I don't like what guy x is saying, so I insult him instead of his logic.
All I can really do is get through this with logic, unless you want studies quoted. A lot of them have been done and quite a few end up being contradictory. Plus, I don't really feel it's too necessary for this intended purpose.
I have tried my best not to put anger into my posts, but to be honest, yes it does make me angry a bit. I'm curbing what little it does fuel in me though. When people do things I consider to be harmful, I do tend to get upset even though I try to go through the matter rationally. The anger isn't really directed at any posters so much as the situation being discussed.
Kudos to the many good responses.
I don't see suicide as ungrateful though, if that's what the meaning was of one particular post. It's not very funny if a person sees no help, no way out of a current situation, except to get a gun and do some head removal, at least not that person. I suppose you could laugh or say some people are terminally ill and want to live but can't. The real difference is they have reasons to live. They must have some measure of control over their lives or else one hell of a fear of death. It doesn't do a lot of good to compare the two. I could have my arm cut off and say well, at least I didn't get thrown into fire to burn to death. I could say that but getting my arm cut off still sucks.
Where do I get off saying there is hostility at youth? Lets start in this thread and many others on this very site. A lot of people are saying how kids are ungrateful, whine if they don't get tennis shoes, etc. Alright, it seems to me these posts are angry in tone, very angry, and I've seen a lot of them along these lines. Even when topics are addressed to the severities parenting can take rather than looking at what happens when a child gets spoiled, shots are still being taken. When does it get serious? I guess it doesn't if you don't see this as a problem.
I am being a bit general to avoid targeting specific parents. I don't have to say Bob Smith treats his kids like dirt for you to get the gist of it. The statements I make are specific, though. I rarely say all or every unless seems ends up being in there somewhere. If you bother to read every line of my posts, you see that I'm not telling you how things are or should be. I'm commenting on a general practice I see happening and offering suggestions.
Ok, against my better judgement I'll clarify what I meant about the flaming. Understand what I'm about to tell you and then drop it. I'm not counter flaming. I don't want you to get upset or feel insulted. Hopefully, we can move on after this bit of clarity.
Raeanna74 make a comment that upset me about me needing to be more open minded before going into psychology. This insults me and my choice of profession. Of course, I got upset. The part she relied to says typically most adults don't go full time on both work and school. This is because college work can be very demanding, unless you can get easy classes. Since they adults already in the full time working world, I don't see them going back for blow off classes and an easy degree. Other than the one comment, nothing else was said, but it was big enough to catch my attention.
Jesus, going back I missed a huge insult. Averett made a flip comment about me getting my Nintendo taken away. I have been trying to provide some solid support for why I believe in what I posted and why I think it needs to stop. Silly comments aren't going to add anything significant to this discussion.
Maleficent told me to resolve anger issues before going into psychology. This is part two of mentioning my future profession. I saw a trend and commented. It was based on two people, but I felt it needed addressed. Let me state again for the record: you cannot psychoanalyze a person through a few posts on a message board. It just is not possible, even if you did view me as angry. An emotional overtone does not mean you have a mental disability. Not everyone who disagrees with you must have something wrong in the head. It takes time to come to conclusions about mental health. Part three was when he told me to listen more before becoming a psychologist. First, we're reading here, and I do read all the posts. I admit I missed a few but not intentionally. I am avoiding hypocrisy as much as I can here. I don't like to be accused of it. I edit my posts to avoid insulting people.
Hannukah Harry, the few, and I admit it was only a few comments by a few people, and I've adressed them here, people who insulted me did it openly. There was no interpretation here. I simply asked them to stop without directly confronting them the first time. If you end up insulting someone, don't tell them to just take it, especially not here. This is a discussion, not a place to attack the personalities of the members of the board. I give examples time and time again of what I'm talking about. I suggest you do the same, or at the very least not make blanket statements about me when I haven;t done so. What more do you want? Ask and you shall receive. You provide another example where I supposedly mention kids getting upset if they do not get what they want or have everything spelled out for them. I did not say this. I mentioned needs specifically in the case of what must be given. Why can't families discuss things? I just don't see why telling your kid to do something with no explanation is wrong if he asks you directly. I'm not seeing it. Please explain what is so horrible about a dialogue within a family. Maybe the government should stop letting us know when laws get passed or what the penalties are for breaking them because they do hold the power, after all. You can see the point here, I'm hoping.
Ok, thus ends the directed comments. I didn't mean everyone was insulting or that no useful comments at all were made. Keep in mind I also missed a lot of posts, too, when I made that. I will get offended if I get insulted personally because I just don't agree. Most people who do so are ignored, but not here where discussion if supposed to be foremost. Moving onwards.
Praising the good parents does nothing to fix the problems with bad parents. This is why discussion is necessary. I bring points to your attention in the hopes of eventually solving or at least alleviating the problem. Otherwise, it gets ignored or dismissed, and the problem lives on.
I sincerely hope no underlying tension is seen in my posts, though I don't see how I could be both civil and angry. The thought makes my head want to explode. I am leaving my personal life out of this. My comments are directed at the rest of society, not at my own parents. I'm not on a crusade to hang my parents. I also won't be bringing them into this because it's not relevant. They would somehow become the focus of what I'm trying to say when the issue does not concern them. If you feel talking about your own family life can help your side of the story, then do so. However, I don't feel the same way.
Let me present exhibit a- the wall. He did seem a tad angry but mentioned how his family is and gave his position. He got flamed from older posters simply for being young and angry. Apprently, some people don't think he has a right to be angry or even complain. This is a clear example of animosity towards youth. Make a note if you need to. We know little to nothing of his life other than what's he's told us, yet he was called spoiled, misguided, and generally not treated very well here. His post was not an insult to anyone. The comment on bullshit work was never defined. He never said exactly what bullshit work is, and even if you disagree on what is and what it isn't, it doesn't do a lot of good to insult him personally. Just explain to him. Blasting on a post with a subjective opinion on what hard work entails, or how a person is suppose to live is a rant. That's ranting, not a longer post where you try to describe your viewpoint. He didn't insult his own parents even. Sure, work is work if you have to do it but some jobs get no respect in this country. You can work hard at fast food for years and yet still a greta number of people will tell you it's not a real job, or it doesn't involve real work when it does in actuality. The part that can make it a bullshit job is respect. Some jobs get you no respect. That can be hard. Anways, jobs are a bit off topic but that's my two cents. I do wonder why he was targeted instead of the unfriendly posts, though.
Anyways, most of this bit was clarity of one form or another. I'll be adding more later on.