I can't imagine that I could disagree more with someone than Tophat on this. I never liked Alexander Hamilton and disagreed with him across the board as far as my understanding goes.
Not that I think anyone who just died should replace him, I just can't imagine defending him. Horrible founding father in my book - the worst. I think the current incarnation of the fed is a huge problem that very few understand and he is the person who was pushing for it way back when.
News flash - the Federal Reserve Bank is a Privatly held bank that makes money off of every dollar in circulation. This is not a governement institution. Hamilton was a real hero alright.
I bet we would agree on beer though. . . (not Hamilton and I - I have no idea what he drank or if he drank)
Oh yeah - and Boatin - I will take that 10k bet. Done deal. I will have my lawyer set it up and you won't even have to pay Vegas points. Just say the word. Not because the Navy won't ever name a ship after Clinton - let alone a flagship, but the odds of the US building ANY battleship in the next 10 years are pretty darn slim.
All truth passes through three stages:
First it is ridiculed
Second, it is violently opposed and
Third, it is accepted as self-evident.
Last edited by Mondak; 06-10-2004 at 10:37 PM..