i'm not gonna defend tough parents, but I'm always willing to attack loose ones. I'd say a good 95% of the kids of my high school who had loose parents (very late curfew or none at all) ended up being the partying beer drinkers that are now struggling for jobs or to get through college. On the other hand, 95% or so of the kids with strict parents (including me) who didn't let their kids out late or let them get away with stuff are doing very well for themselves. These kids (including me) fought with their parents over these rules, but the parents didn't budge. Looking back, I am very glad my parents were strict or I would have certainly ended up like an old friend of mine (who's parents were not strict) who is struggling through life. Am I saying strict parents lead to successful kids....no. But through my experience it seems that way. Am I saying loose parents lead to unsuccessful kids....again no, but through my experience, this is the trend that I have seen in my home town.
Mechanical Engineers build weapons. Civil Engineers build targets.