I went to a stripclub in Vancouver, they gave strippers the "golf clap", not one single loony or toony was handed over - that's why their uptight.
I should have started the post with "What I've Learnt from this thread". My point in "uptighter" was just saying i've learned Zero, in fact i think i may have dropped a few IQ points.
Americans continue to be the only group of people you can "paint with one broad negative stroke" without being condemned a biggot, i can't believe it took you this long to learn that. This comes from someone in who lived in Europe for three years (Reagan years) - I can only imagine what it's like now.
The implications of American politics mean much more to the rest of the world than Canadian politics; as such, people are more aware of it. It's that simple. Get over it, Americans don't give a shit about petty whining.
P.S. - I really enjoyed my time in Toronto and Van (i wanna move there real bad) couver.