When I was a kid, spankings weren't a way to cause pain, or really to dicipline. They were used as an attention getter. After being told to stop doing something 5 or 6 times, a little smack on the bottom got my attention, since it wasn't done very often. It triggered something in my mind that said "Hey dumbass, pay attention, you really need to listen."
It's like when you are speaking to an adult, and they just won't listen to the words you are saying. You really just want to smack them upside the head and get them to focus on what you are saying.
I have a 11month daughter, and I have not had the need to spank her, because she won't know why the hell I'm doing it. However, I have smacked her on the hand lightly, and given a stern "No" when she picks up things that could harm her, or tried to eat a piece of cat poop.
I think it has had the desired effect. They got her attention, and she learned something. The little hand slaps are no longer necessary (I only had to do it a couple of times, and it never caused her pain, or to cry), now the stern NO gets the point across.