Lets see. First they wan't to replace FDR's profile with his.
There was legislation proposed to do this! While he was still alive! Nancy even came out against it.
Up to now there are 56 different things named after him ranging from streets to schools to post offices to a Battleship and an (ironic) Airport. The largest Federal Office in DC bears his name as well. That is just a start for
This is scary. It's scary because of the absurd level of hero worship that has been making itself clear. It's like a segment of the population is trying to bestow demi-god status to a man.
Reagan Legacy Project
This is a group, headed by Grover Norquist
(also including Dick Armey, John Ashcroft, Bob Barr, Tom Delay, Newt Gingrich, Chuck Hagel, Jack Kemp, Peg Noonan, Marc Raciott, Rick Santorum)
And their sole job is to get everything possible named after the man.
The following have been rumblings for years but have ratcheted up in recent days.
Reagan on the Ten Spot
So stupid. Yeah replace a founding father. The guy who played a pivotal role in defining the governmental mechanisms for managing the national economy.
Then there is
This isn't just proposed by your run of the mill kooks. This is coming up to Congressional approval.
And another one. The
There is a 25 year rule, that Reagan himself signed, that prohibits a memorial for a man until he's been dead for 25 years.
There are good reasons for it too. Absence makes the partisanship go away. And it separates those who are fondly remembered from those who are giants among men in what they did for America. To name the Pentagon after a recently deceased president just smacks of partisanship. What would the conservatives here think if next year when Democrats control the Senate/House or both they propose and pass a law that renames the Pentagon after Carter when he dies? Or give Clinton the 5 dollar bill? How many of you would REALLY not be heavily ticked off by that.
Leave the man to rest for a few decades. Then if his legacy can stand up to time like the great presidents of this nation already have, give him a monument.
Personally, I don't think Reagan will be able to endure for 25 years. (Just IMHO) I think that's why there is such a push to cannonize him now.