Now now now, there's no reason to show such hostility for this boy. It's not his fault he's so misguided. Society is to blame. His parents are to blame. Heck, let's even blame school.
He could end up in jail, or worse and well, he doesn't have to call his parents, because, well, he's an adult and can do whatever the heck he wants.
Originally posted by The_wall
But hey if I wanna live in a house I have 2 options, try and make money doing bullshit work that no one should have to do, or live in a house with parents that impose rules on you that might prevent you from living a life you want to live.
He hasn't learned yet that people do "bullshit" work every day to put food in the table, and clothes on their back, and a roof over their head. They do "bullshit" work to survive. He's going to make money the old fashioned way, sponge off his parents, and that way he can have the life he wants, sleeping til noon, staying out all night, not being responsble for anything.
And having his own morals too, I can only imagine what they might be...