Yakk - Tell you what. . . we will keep the part of the FCC that doles out bandwidth so that states don't pass conflicting standards and people don't just throw signals all over the place (like your FM Radio example).
Instead of $300 million, give me like 10 well paid / smart people and maybe 5 - 10 admins and we are all set. In addition, there are not questions about our mission. Simply to keep order with the available spectrum.
Also - something like HDTV I am not sure is a public good. Why do tax payers have to pay to "bump" the HDTV industry. If the free market does not demand it, then in this case it must not be that important. If it is not that important, I don't want my taxes paying for it.
All truth passes through three stages:
First it is ridiculed
Second, it is violently opposed and
Third, it is accepted as self-evident.