I see more where you're coming from gondath then these other guys I think. I mean we never asked to be put on this planet, but now we're here, and unless we commit suicide we are here to stay. But hey if I wanna live in a house I have 2 options, try and make money doing bullshit work that no one should have to do, or live in a house with parents that impose rules on you that might prevent you from living a life you want to live.
I'm very lucky and have parents that don't impose lots of rules on me. If I'm out really late I don't have to call them to tell them where I am (If I'm gonna be gone until the next morning I do anyways), and they don't try and force morals and shit on me.
I think this countries whole way of life is a bit fucked up in many areas, but thats another thread entirely.
"We do what we like and we like what we do!"~andrew Wk
Procrastinate now, don't put off to the last minute.