Sarah Jessica Parker
Sandra Bullock. But I have to give her credit, acting the same in every movie as well as what I seen of her when she isn't acting is rather remarkable. She must be a true thespian since it is hard to distinguish when or when not she is acting. Something like Julia Roberts.
Diane Keaton. See Sandra Bullock.
Richard Gere. Would love to see him get Monk'd
Kelly Ripa. 34 going on 14
Alex Trebek. "Ooooh, ..sorry. The depth of the Caspian Sea in 780 A.D was 2000 feet, not 1200. Didn't think you'd miss a gift like that."
Jack Nicholson. See Sandra Bullock.
Rev. Al Sharpton. Yes we understand all blacks aren't hustlin' cherry poppin' pimps stereotyped to cast a shadow over America to continue the oppression.So why do you keep dressing like one then?
I'm out for now. I'll come back later after I finish my shit sandwich.
" In Canada, you can tell the most blatant lie in a calm voice, and people will believe you over someone who's a little passionate about the truth." David Warren, Western Standard.