The issue of chronology v. order of original release has been an occasional subject of debate among my friends, lots of whom are starting to have kids of their own (most of us were in the single digits when the first movies came out, so we're maybe a little prejudiced). Some of them are waiting until Ep. III comes out before showing any of them to their kids, at which point they're going to do the chronological order thing. This gets the rest of us foaming, and then we all start visciously arguing. Good clean fun. But we're all wondering what the kids who watch them chronologically will end up thinking.
Sun Tzu--you're not alone in enjoying the new movies; myself, I thought that AOTC was pretty nifty, though flawed. (But then, no movie or any other work of art, no matter how good, is flawless or above critique.) But, among other things, I wish that Lucas didn't feel the need to somehow attempt to broaden the scope of the new trilogy by clumsily introducing the political stuff. The dark v. light theme is the best part of both trilogies, and I wish Lucas had confidence in that aspect of the story instead of trying to deepen it by introducing the political plotlines.
If only my final papers were coming along as well as my Star Wars trilogy analyses...