Reagan crusaded against big government, but never really cut anything but taxes. Rather than back up the tax cuts with program cuts, he maxed out the American credit card. When he had a chance to reduce one of the most expensive government programs, social security, he instead created the trust fund that today guarantees its existence. While he cut income taxes, he followed those cuts up with payroll tax increases. The left hand giveth, and the right hand taketh away.
His administration was marred by scandal, most notably the Iran-Contra debacle.
Nevertheless, people liked him. He set the tone, and communictated a positive vision for America that people could believe in. People had faith in the man, and didn't have to double check the policies to be sure. His greatest legacy has been in selling the public on the idea that government is horribly ineffecient and ineffective. His policy legacy was moderate, but his rhetorical legacy is conservative, and is in many ways more important.
"Erections lasting more than 4 hours, though rare, require immediate medical attention."