help on finding articles for project
so I'm taking some summer courses for cheap credit, and one of my classes calls for me to find 20 articles (10 published from inside US, 10 published from outside US) from newspapers, magazines, etc and write a short paragraph for each one. The only problem is I have practically zero resources for this (other than my small town's daily paper...), and I work every hour that the library is open, so I have to use the internet to find some articles. Yet another problem....I have no idea where to look.
What are some good sites that would have articles and stuff for me to look at for free? Also, the articles have to have been published within the last 2 months.
Right now I'm working on the ones published from within the US and they have to be about population, language, or religion (or maybe just mention those) if anybody knows of any good recent articles about any of those that would be appreciated as well. Thanks
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Last edited by yatzr; 06-09-2004 at 05:02 PM..