I'm not doing this for any particular reason, just out of curiousity really. I generally don't like being told I can do something (in the man page) and then trying it and have it not work.
Yes, they are both on the same FS, actually they would be residing in the same directory if you take my command line exactly.
No, the original directory is not a symlink.
I guess it's more trying to figure out why this wouldn't work, or wouldn't be advisable. A directory is just a file with another bit set, is it not? Still held in an inode. Why is it OK to have a file that's hard linked, but not a directory then?
Edit: results of the above:
[root@mybox ~]# ln -d mail/ myMail/
ln: creating hard link `myMail/' to `mail/': No such file or directory
[root@mybox ~]# ln mail mymail
ln: `mail': hard link not allowed for directory
[root@mybox ~]# ln mail/ myMail/
ln: `mail/': hard link not allowed for directory
Last edited by bogosj13; 06-09-2004 at 11:34 AM..