Kind of emberassing..hairy problem
It never really bothered me when I was younger, but now i am absolutely disguisted by my hairy arms, legs, back, and even hands. It doesn't seem to bother my friends and family, and I know it's pretty much average compared to other hairy people, but I am always conscious because of it. I ask for your help, because I know people on this forum are awesome at providing material for others who have trouble finding the answers. I had laser hair removal on the area below my neck and top part of my back. It took four visits, and cost me 200 bucks per visit. It's a very small area, but that's where I had it the worst. Do people have stuff done on their hands and etc? Shaving? I have hair on my fingers even. It's very emberassing for me. Any links, advice is wlecomed.
Seems like it's always something. It was acne when i was 16, it was my weight when i was 20, I am in good shape now, and all of a suddent it's the hair. Argh!