Grumpy, a few things I can think of. Didn't read the whole thread, just your last "plead for assistance".
1) If the source drive was already failing it may have caused a corrupt copy. Not much you can do there. I did use a program called "Get Data Back" once to gleen data off a failing drive. It is the same program CompUSA uses, but charges you 2 arms and a leg to do. It searches for files you specify (or the whole disk) and informs you of the condition of the files you find.
2) I had a 40GB Drive go bad, it was a recall by the OEM. Can't remember who it was, but the symptoms sound IDENTICAL. Go to the OEM website, and type in the part number. If there was a recall, you might just get a 60 or 80 GB Replacement Free.
I know that Norton is paying more attention to multiple installs. I just tried to install my systemworks copy here at work and got a corrupt install. Tried it on my buddies computer and same deal. The disk is fine (no scratches, cracks etc) but during install it does come up saying "registering". If you TOTALLY disconnect your system from telephone, network, and / or broadband it skips this process but gives you 15 days to register before shutting down. My buddy did this with my copy and it installed perfectly.
Hope some of this helps.
Take Off Eh!