First off, i believe it is spelled "gauge".
Your gas tank has a little floater styrofoam thing in it that is hooked on an arm, to what amounts to a dimmer switch. As the gas level, and subsequently the floater and arm, go up the dimmer switch turns. Instead of getting more light like on a lightbulb, the power goes to your gas gauge, which will move up.
Now if your gauge is in the front or back of the tank, as you face downhill, your gas will, like water, try and stay level. Lets say your floater is in the front of the tank and you face downhill. Now as the gas levels out, teh floater will rise, indicating a falsely high amount of gas.
Another situation has been pretty much dealt with on modern cars has to do with gas sloshing around. If you accelerate pretty good, naturally teh gas will move toward the back of the tank. And when you mash on teh brakes, it will fly forward. So when your driving around town and look at the gauge shortly after taking off at a stoplight, it could be reading low. If you look at it after the brakes, and all the fluid went forward, forcing the floater up, it could read falsely high.
Now, do you have a problem? Im not sure. Dont know much about civics particularly, but most modern cars have some kind of anti-slosh mechanism to keep your gauge from going nuts around town. It could be your car is perfectly normal, but im not positive.
Dont cry kid, It's not your fault you suck.