Thread: Morrowind
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Old 06-09-2004, 09:07 AM   #161 (permalink)
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Originally posted by kutulu
Ya I've considered the console, but it is cheating. However, the game gets so unbalanced even without cheating that after a while it won't make a difference. I keep on moving the difficulty slider up and now I'm ready for it to go all the way up. It's rare that someone can take more than two hits from Goldbrand. I also got Skullcrusher last night and thats even meaner than all my weapons right now.
The devs should have either made a lot more enemies or made them get tougher with you. It's really rare that I even need to take a health potion. About the only time that happens is when I get hit with a really tough poison spell with long duration and high damage.
Try downloading the GIANTS mod at some point, it adds a lot of new creatures that can actually challenge higher level players.

Skullcrusher is definitly one of the best weapons in the game. My evil character was using that for a looong time (the constant effect enchantments it has on it are especially nice, plus the one handed aspect).

Anyway, if you don't want to get the GIANTS mod, my advice to you would be to start a new character, completely different from that one you are playing now. Try playing some of the longer quest mods (sixth house mod, illuminated order, suran underworld) as well.

Some suggestions for a new character play style:

A monk or priest (join the temple or imperiel cult, or both) -- don't steal, don't kill anyone unless you absolutely have to, do random acts of holiness (don't ignore anyone you see on the side of the road who asks you to escort them somewhere). Definitly use unarmored and blunt weapon (staff especially) for major skills.

A vampire (make sure you use the vampire embrace mod) -- pretty obvious what to do with this one. There are FAQs on vampirism in Morrowind floating around, I'll dig a good one up for you if you're interested. When you get infected with vampirism, depending on which of the three vampire clans infected you, you'll get a +50 bonus to certain stats.

A totally evil character bent on the complete domination of Morrowind. Take over all the guilds, houses, and factions, kill the tribunal gods, and Dagoth Ur. Recommended mods: illuminated order, sixth house mod. This is similar to what I'm doing right now with my custom race balrog. I'm nearing the end of the illuminated order quests, which hopefully will lead to me becomming a lich (whatever that entails). Completing the sixth house mod led to the destruction of the ghostfence, so now all of Morrowind is in a near-constant state of ash storms (with red skies to match). The only problem with playing an evil character like this is the lack of random acts of evil to do, besides killing. I'd recommend playing a holy character or a vampire over an evil one simply because there's more to do. That, and everyone has a 0 disposition toward my balrog (which sucks). Every guard attacks me on sight (which means I had to use the console to get to Mournhold the first time), and many people just plain won't talk to me. Oh well.
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