Well as far as lethal injection goes, I don't see any way that anyone could know for sure. That really goes for all methods of death actually. I mean its not like people survive to tell what it was like. Unless you count those that have been clinically resuscitated, and as far as I know, that's never happened with lethal injection.
About the parachute thing, that has always actually scared the fuck out of me. I would never ever do that for one simple reason. You have time to change your mind. You get halfway down and think "Oh fuck what have I done?", but you can't go back then, and that would be the absolute worst feeling imaginable. Also, I don't know whether or not any of you are familiar with "Dead" Mike Vederman or not, but his story is incredible. He was skydiving when his parachute completely malfunctioned and he ended up freefalling approximately 180 feet.....onto concrete. He broke damn nearly every single bone in his body, and lost a shitload of blood, and about twenty pounds of fat and muscle. But he actually made a full recovery. True story. But still, fuck the freefalling thing.
Also a note on the guillotine. In medieval times they conducted experiments with the condemned. They asked each person that was to be executed to try to give them some sort of facial sign to indicated that they were still concious after being decapitated. While I personally think I would have tried to muster a sly wink, the most they ever got were heads whose mouths would slowly gape open. Now I don't know about you, but that would freak me the fuck out. So apparently, either you do remain conscious briefly, or that was just some strange reaction.
All that being said, my response is I would bite the bullet.
"We each have a star, all we have to do is find it. Once you do, everyone who sees it will be blinded." - Earl Simmons